ERS Genomics team expands with new hire, Ralph Vogelsang

ERS Genomics team expands with new hire, Ralph Vogelsang

Dr. Ralph Vogelsang joins as Senior Director for Business Development & Licensing, EMEA


Dublin, Ireland, 3 February 2022: ERS Genomics Limited (‘ERS’) is pleased to welcome latest hire, Dr. Ralph Vogelsang. Ralph brings over three decades of biotechnology experience to his new role.

ERS, co-founded by Dr. Emmanuelle Charpentier, 2020 Nobel Prize winner for gene-editing, provides access to the foundational CRISPR/Cas9 intellectual property. Eighty-nine patents are held in over eighty countries.

Ralph will be pivotal in expanding the use and adoption of CRISPR/Cas9 in the EMEA region.  With a diverse background, Ralph brings a combination of both science and sales to his new role. Ralph has worked in research in the field of Molecular Plant-Pathogen Interactions, and in sales, with Applied Biosystems for Genetic Analysis Systems. Prior to ERS, Ralph held several positions in sales, scientific-support, and business development at Pacific Biosciences. Ralph has a strong background in general DNA Sequencing, including NGS Technology, and Molecular Biology & Genetics.

Eric Rhodes, CEO, ERS Genomics, commented: ‘As awareness of the potential of CRISPR/Cas9 increases, we are equally aware of the need for dedicated resources in the EMEA region. Ralph’s background and experience make him an ideal candidate to continue our mission of making our technology as universally available as possible. I am delighted to welcome Ralph on board.’

Dr. Ralph Vogelsang, ERS Genomics, made the following statement: ‘The team at ERS is making huge progress increasing global access to the Nobel Prize winning CRISPR/Cas9 system. This powerful technology has led to a revolution in genetic engineering, and I look forward to being part of the next phase.”