Patent Upheld by China National Intellectual Property Administration
Dublin, Ireland, 26 March 2024: ERS Genomics Limited, which was formed to provide broad access to the foundational CRISPR/Cas9 intellectual property co-owned by Dr. Emmanuelle Charpentier, today announced its patent CN201380038920.6 was upheld by the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) in response to an invalidation challenge.
The patent was filed by Dr. Charpentier, together with The Regents of the University of California and University of Vienna (collectively known as CVC), for “Methods and Compositions for RNA-guided Target DNA Modification and for RNA-guided Transcription Regulation”. The decision to uphold the patent right in China follows a recent decision by the Japanese Patent Office earlier this year to uphold JP6692856, also part of the CVC portfolio1.
During the proceedings, novelty and inventive step were contested. In the decision, the CNIPA rejected both challenges to patentability, including maintaining that the priority application enabled uses of CRISPR/Cas9 in eukaryotic cells. The decision by the CNIPA, fully upholding the patent, further demonstrates its validity and value as part of the patent collection for use of the CRISPR/Cas9 technology.
Michael Arciero, Vice-President of Intellectual Property and Commercial Development, ERS Genomics, said: “The decision by the CNIPA is testament to the strength of the foundational CVC CRISPR/Cas9 patent portfolio. Alongside the recent decision in Japan this demonstrates a global trend, and reinforces the importance of research organisations having the correct intellectual property rights in place when working with this technology.”
ERS Genomics provides licensing to CRISPR/Cas9 technology for companies interested in pursuing its use in their commercial programs. With 100+ Patents Globally, ERS Genomics licenses these patents via its direct license from Emmanuelle Charpentier and now has nearly 150 licenses in place worldwide.
View Decisions Here:
BERK-187CN_Decision_Invalidation Trial_English
Michael Arciero,
Vice-President of Intellectual Property and Commercial Development,
ERS Genomics
For a high resolution image please contact Zyme Communications
Media contact:
Dr Ben Rutter
Zyme Communications
Tel: +44(0)7920 770 935
Email: ben.rutter@zymecommunications.com
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About ERS Genomics www.ersgenomics.com
ERS Genomics provides access to the foundational CRISPR/Cas9 CVC intellectual property held by Dr. Emmanuelle Charpentier, a license to which is essential for freedom to operate commercially with CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Non-exclusive licenses are available for research and sale of products and services across multiple fields including research tools, kits and reagents; discovery of novel targets for therapeutic intervention; cell lines for discovery and screening of novel drug candidates; GMP production of healthcare products; companion animal and livestock health; production of industrial materials such as enzymes, biofuels and chemicals; and synthetic biology. For additional information please visit www.ersgenomics.com.